
Treasury Bills

Welcome to the world of fixed-income investments. Eurivex allows investors to participate in the Eurozone and Cyprus government bond auctions for 3 months and earn 4% p.a. from as low as €1,000 per investment.

Eurivex Treasury Bills

The Eurozone and Cyprus government primary bond auctions for Treasury Bills of 13 weeks maturity provide a very satisfactory return compared to fixed deposit interest offered by the banks.

During the auction held in October 2023 for the 13 Week Treasury Bills (T-bills) Auction, the average yield hit 4.05% according to Cyprus Public Debt Management Office. This is the result of the primary auction, for which a minimum bid of €500,000 is required for participation. Thereafter, people can purchase such T-Bills through the secondary market on the Cyprus Stock Exchange. However, since there is huge demand for such short-term T-bills, there is hardly any trades transacted on the secondary market, investors with small amounts seldom manage to buy the T-bills at the initial rate and are obliged to pay a high margin.

An investor who wishes to invest in such Eurozone and Cyprus Cyprus government T-Bills may consider purchasing fixed T-Bills issued by Eurivex. The T-Bills carry a fixed rate of return of 4.00% and investors can purchase from as little as €1,000.

The difference in the rate of return is the risk that Eurivex takes for participating in the auction for the minimum €500,000 and waiting until investor funds are collected, as well as its profit margin.

Advantages of Eurivex Treasury Bills are:

  • Your access to Eurozone and Cyprus government bond auctions of short-term maturity.
  • Underlying assets are Eurozone and Cyprus government issued T-bills. Safe and Secure.
  • Invest from as low as €1,000 with no maximum on investment.
  • Earn 4% per annum.
  • 0% brokerage, 0% custody and 0% penalties on early exit.
  • Simple account opening process, with no account opening fees.
  • Instant liquidity via Eurivex Secondary market.
  • Our product is easy to understand, no tricks and no hidden charges in small print.
  • CySEC regulated investment firm operating since 2010.
  • Since the Eurivex T-Bills are listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, we deduct only 3% defense tax on interest income earned, as opposed to 17% deducted on interest income earned on bank deposit.
  • Eurivex is a member of the Eurozone and Cyprus Investor Protection Fund giving coverage of up to €20,000 per investor.
  • We are based in Cyprus, and a human person will answer your call or email if you have any questions.

How is it done

Eurivex is facilitating the entry of small investors by offering same maturity T-Bills  at 4% return per annum with minimum investment amount set at €1,000 for 3-month investment. In other words, Eurivex collects all the bids from its investors and participates in the primary auction in order to pass the benefits to the public. Eurivex is offering its T-Bills with a return of 4% per annum with the difference in the rate from the Eurozone and Cyprus government auction being our profit. No other charges such as brokerage or custody or exit penalties apply, which means customers pay zero brokerage, zero custody and zero penalties on exit.

The Eurivex T-Bills are also listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange’s MTF Market.

Access to liquidity

Eurivex customers have the opportunity for earlier exit by offering their T-Bills for sale via the Secondary Market to other investors. In such a case, the bondholder decides the price at which the offering is made, and it is up to other Eurivex customers to make bids to purchase the T-Bills .

How can you invest

Anyone that wishes to invest should register for an account with Eurivex. You will need to complete a simple questionnaire form and provide us with proof of identification and residence. If all is in order your account will be approved and we will send you our client denominated bank account details so you can make a deposit and get started.


The registration process usually takes no longer than 5 minutes. Most applicants will receive account approval and opening within one business day. Then, you will be free to credit your account. The Treasury Bills backed T-Bills can be purchased on the same day using a funded account. Interest will be calculated from the first day your order is accepted.

Interested in Treasury Bills?

Register for an account to invest.


Eurivex Ltd is an EU Investment Firm authorized and regulated since 2010 by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license number 114/10 for the provision of investment services. Eurivex is also licensed as an EU Crowdfunding Service Provider (license number CSP 2/24). The company’s headquarters are located in Nicosia, Cyprus. Eurivex provides crowdfunding, investment and ancillary services to residents of the European Economic Area (EEA) and several other jurisdictions.

Risk Warning: Investing carries risks, including loss of capital and illiquidity. Please read our risk warning before investing.