Terragarda GmbH, was incorporated in Germany on 12 August 2021, with registration number HRB 232466B as a private company. The corporate Covered bond is issued by a private German incorporated company and listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange MTF Market, effective since 26 May 2022.
Terragarda has pledged two of its property holding in Germany as security to raise funds through the issue of debt instruments to develop the “Proton Therapy Centre” project (“PTCB”) made up of a state-of-the-art cancer treatment therapy centre and an adjacent hotel. The Therapy Centre will cover an area of 100,000 sq. metres and will be constructed in several stages while the adjacent Hotel project will cover an area of 120,000 sq. metres.
Terragarda has pledged two properties for the benefit of bondholders. The first property is a complex of apartments has been valued at €28,800,000 based on land registry title deed as well as insurance valuation made by Versicherungsagentur Insurer as recently as 15 November 2021.
The second property is a complex of three buildings consisting of apartments, for a total area of 7,643 sq. metres has been valued at €82,950,000 based on land registry title deed as well as insurance valuation made by Allianz as recently as 2 December 2021. The current value of both properties amounts to €111,750,000, which is more than adequate to meet the Issuer’s obligations towards the bondholders.
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